Krzysztof Węcel
Poznań University of Economy and Business
Dr. Krzysztof Węcel is a senior lecturer at Poznan University of Economics and Business. His main research interest is the intersection of semantic web technologies, open data, and machine learning. He has also a significant experience in business intelligence technologies, ranging from data management through data warehousing to data mining and anomaly detection. He has worked with big data in some industrial projects. He has been involved in many EC-funded projects including a flagship project on linking open data – LOD2. Projects relevant to security include SMC – Semantic Monitoring of Cyberspace and SIMMO – System for Intelligent Maritime Monitoring. He was a visiting scholar in leading research institutions in Europe, e.g. Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck and University of Karlsruhe, as well as emerging ones in Asia - Asian Intitute of Technology and Indian Institute of Technology. He has certificates awarded by SAS and SAP.